May 23rd, 2023

Launching a new website

Keeping things simple, but moving them into the limelight. Enough is enough.

For a very long time I have been postponing launching a proper personal website. While I can be impulsive, I often demonstrate the behavior of an overthinker. There is a thousand things I could do ever so slightly differently. There are hundreds of approaches I would like to consider. A myriad of finishing touches to be tweaked before we finally launch.

And what will the world say? How will this be judged — the website of a web developer, that is missing X or Y, or fails to follow best practice Z? Where is all the content to keep the visitor hooked for days? Why isn't there an explosion of CTAs everywhere you look.

Enough is enough. Rudimentary layout, essential styling, bare-bones features. A brief intro, some work highlights, and a place to collect thoughts and expose them to the world. There is not much to see yet. I will gradually add some stuff I'd like to have here and I'll react to feedback or requests from whoever visits regularly enough to form an opinion. Multiple ways to find me, all listed throughout this site!

Hello world; welcome to my new personal website.